Sunday, March 18, 2007

It begins....

Well, it's about time I started one of these bloggy things....I had one a coupla years ago, and I just let it pitter out, so maybe this one will last a bit longer.

First off, a little introduction.

My name is Spaceman Opus, and I'm a resident of Second Life (like who isn't these days). I've been there since May of last year, and I finally got up the guts to start playing live music inworld at the beginning of January. I've been having a blast so far, and I'm prolly one of the few people that enjoys the challenge of a good heckle.


For now, this is going to be mainly another place to put my music schedule, review my own shows, and possibly to write some reviews and opinions of other SL musicians. I heard recently that there's over 100 musicians in SL, and I think that's fantastic. The more musicians in SL, the more fun I have, and that's basically what I'm in SL :-D

So, I'm playing this afternoon (3/18) at Spunky BT's at 2 SLT. I've only been there once before, to see Frogg and Jaycatt play, and it looks like an interesting time. I'll try and post a review soon after, but procrastination is one of my strong points, so bear with me.

Enjoy the ride...I sure plan on it!

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