Thursday, July 5, 2007

So anyways, as I was saying...

Yes, yes I know. But that Project Open Letter was important enough to leave up for a while (not 2 1/2 months, prolly, but a while).

Anyways...let's see. I've got many shows coming up this week, and I'm gonna post 'em all too (who knows when I'll update again?). I took the week of the 4th off to take a lil break, and now I'm missing it, so I'm rarin' to go :-)

Saturday, I play at Rocky Shores at 2 SLT. I love playing for Ticious, and I need to remember that standing invitation more often ;-)

Sunday is Who's Song Is It Anyway? at Crazy Sharks at 11AM SLT. It's been a few weeks since all four of us have been able to get together, so I'm gonna guess that we'll be in very silly mode real quick.

I also have a RFL gig Sunday at 2 SLT. I'll update with a landmark as soon as I have one.

Monday I'm back at Sterling Vineyards at 6 SLT, for my favorite stage view anywhere in SL.

Tuesday at 5 SLT I'm playing The Commune for an event-to-be-determined, but guaranteed to be fun.

Wednesday I'm at The Lily Pad at 6 SLT. The last time I was there, I DJ'd to an audience of zero for 20 minutes before I gave up. Let's have a few more than that turn out this time, hmmm? :-)

Thursday, I'm at Orchard Music Park at 5 SLT, and at The Merry Prankster's Grateful Dead night at 6 SLT.

OK...I've done my part, and it's been a long time since I've been heckled (and I know you're out there, Mr. Heckler/Teacher), so get to it! :-)